Sneak Peak of BNCLT’s Property Updates

There are three big property opportunities and updates on BNCLT’s horizon. Enjoy our sneak peak this month, and stay tuned for updates in the spring!

364 Harvard Street: Partnering with Tenants to Acquire Two-Family Property

After months of tenant organizing and multiple purchase attempts, BNCLT has crossed an important milestone towards the purchase of a two-family, occupied building in Dorchester: we have a Purchase and Sale Agreement with the owner, and we are hopeful we will be able to purchase this spring! Stay tuned, and cross your fingers as we approach the finish line! 

351 Park Street: Applying to Develop Five Affordable Homeownership Units

Through the Welcome Home, Boston program, the City of Boston has allotted $58 million in American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funding to fast-track the production of new affordable homes. 

In partnership with Co-Everything and Erise Builders, BNCLT was invited to present our proposal for up to five affordable homes on Park Street in Dorchester on Tuesday, February 13th. Thanks to all who came to watch and support, and we will keep you up to date as we move forward in these efforts to bring affordable homeownership to our neighborhoods.

Take Action by February 29th: We welcome you to watch our proposal presentation (starting at 1:09), and submit public comments here. The comment period is open through February 29th. 

14 Leroy Street: Wrapping Up Our Energy Retrofit

Finally, we are excited to share that our energy retrofit project at 14 Leroy Street is scheduled to finish in March. Over the past months, our partners at Mass CEC, Urban Ecology, and ABCD, and our contractors Andrea Vilanova and David McDonald, have been hard at work to consider energy alternatives for the building that will reduce the carbon footprint while also keeping energy costs low for our tenants. We hope you enjoy this photo of the project at the mid-way point, and look forward to sharing photos of the finished building!


Resident Spotlight: Mr. Marshall Cooper 


Highlighting Our Organizing Work at “CLT Day”