Highlighting Our Organizing Work at “CLT Day”

On Saturday, January 29th, BNCLT gathered with local CLTs, emerging CLTs, and other organizations in our housing justice community for “CLT Day,” hosted by the Greater Boston Community Land Trust Network. Over the course of the day, BNCLT led conversations highlighting the importance of organizing in every part of our CLT model. For us, tenant organizing (at 6 Humphreys in 2021, and more recently on Harvard Street) is a critical part of how we acquire buildings. And once tenants become BNCLT residents, resident organizing is crucial for ensuring the organization is governed by our residents and the surrounding community. 

Sharing our work, and hearing what other CLTs are up to, reminded us that we are part of a much larger movement to put permanently affordable housing in the hands and control of communities.


Sneak Peak of BNCLT’s Property Updates


A Successful Annual Appeal, with a Strong CITC Turnout!