Year-End Story #3
BNCLT's Work Across the Map
BNCLT's alternative model of social housing stretches from Dorchester, Roxbury, and Mattapan and spans many different focus areas: from neighborhood-activated open space, environmental justice energy retrofits, community-controlled permanently affordable housing, tenant rights advocacy, and coalition-led campaigns to advance housing justice policy on a state level.
Check out this interactive Jamboard map, showing the many efforts BNCLT is advancing, and the places they make an impact. We welcome you to add your own sticky notes — let us know where you see BNCLT's work across our neighborhoods.
BNCLT's Annual Accomplishments
Last year we raised $100,000 from community supporters like you, and thanks to this support, we had a tremendous year of accomplishments:
We completed the acquisition and rehab of 4 buildings, doubling the number of families from 15 to 30. This includes the acquisition of 6 Humphreys Place, a tenant victory after organizing for many years to fight for their right to stay in their home, now renovated!
Residents continue to take leadership roles, such as selecting and working closely with BNCLT’s new property management company.
Residents at our building on Park Street joined their neighbors to activate a vacant lot, adding a garden bed, a performance stage, a free little library, and an interactive space for sharing stories about the history of the neighborhood.
BNCLT was awarded with the Mass CEC Triple Decker Affordable Energy Retrofit grant to do a full energy retrofit of its newest acquisition at 14 Leroy Street, an important step to connect our affordable housing agenda with climate justice.
BNCLT, along with our CLT peers, successfully led a campaign to establish the Small Properties Acquisition Fund Pilot through the MA Legislature.
There is so much to do in the year ahead as our growing body of residents and neighbors develop their leadership: establish new pathways for residents to individually and collectively build their assets; open up new neighborhood spaces to connect people; acquire new buildings using alternative models of community capital investment; and continue to build our team.