Farewell to one of our Stars: A Tribute to Greg Bialecki

There are certain people who have a way of lighting up the path they walk — turning heads, sparking conversations, and earning the trust and ears of so many as they go. Greg Bialecki played this role as a member of the Board of Directors at BNCLT since 2016.  He first joined the organization when it was still COHIF (Coalition for Occupied Homes in Foreclosure), and worked diligently with fellow Board members to transition to BNCLT in 2019 and 2020. BNCLT’s Board is made up primarily of CLT residents and neighbors committed to finding strategies to prevent people from getting displaced from their homes in Roxbury, Mattapan and Dorchester. Greg joined the Board not as a member of the neighborhood, but to bring his real estate development and legal skills to the table.  He offered immeasurable support to our growing organization as we navigated new and complex real estate challenges in our pursuit to acquire new buildings.

Despite Greg’s considerable expertise, Greg was always mindful to “step back” and give space to our community Board, only offering his thoughts when asked. He carefully chose his moments to speak, and when he did, every person in the room listened with full attention. Greg demonstrated his dedication to our mission through the support he gave to BNCLT leaders — whether staff or board.  He was always willing to meet one on one with people, with a deep commitment to sharing knowledge and dreams.  

Words from Alma Chislom, BNCLT Board President:

“Greg Bialecki took the time to reach out to me about my ambitious dream to create a resident fund for the Boston Neighborhood Community Land Trust. I was so surprised to hear from him personally, because I considered him the "Simon Cowell" of the board. It seemed that when he spoke we listened! He liked my proposal for the fund and encouraged me to do it! He also wanted to make a donation as well. I could not believe he was encouraging me to do the fund. As I looked back on this memory of Greg, I know this fund should be named the Greg Bialecki Fund!”

Words from Eloise Lawrence, BNCLT Board Secretary:

“I first met Greg in 2001. He was the hiring partner of Hill and Barlow, one of the oldest law firms in the City. I was there as a summer associate between my 2nd and 3rd year of law school. Needless to say, Greg recognized that firm life was not for me. He strongly encouraged me not to come to the firm, which at the time was a bruise to my ego, but he was absolutely right and I never regretted not going to a firm. As fate would have it, we met again 15 years later when he joined the COHIF Board (before we transitioned to BNCLT). Greg became a mentor to me in many areas, including my own career, but also how to guide the board in the most positive direction, how to think about problems, and how to resolve conflict. He had incredible experience in real estate and law. He was always very patient, and would explain complicated issues very well. And he was really an unsung hero of our board, especially when we got down to about 4 of us. Quite frankly Greg had many bigger issues on his plate in terms of the organizations he was involved in, and his day job. But he never failed to show up for COHIF and continue to support us. I’m not sure the organization would have survived without him. And so I’m deeply, deeply grateful for him. Both his personal mentorship and for the incredible contributions to this organization that we all care so much about. And I love that he worked at the highest levels of state government, in powerful law and real estate firms, and yet he took the time and the energy and the effort for this tiny little scrappy organization that remains grassroots in the best possible way. I think that was an enormous testament to his character, and to his commitment when no one was looking – a commitment to his values that I will take with me. And I hope his family knows how valuable he was to all of us.”

Words from Joel Wool, BNCLT Board Member

“Greg dedicated his free time to help with matters great and small, serving as a mentor, adviser and patient colleague. As an individual who worked alongside Governors, CEOs, and large institutions, his attention to the wellbeing and stability of a small neighborhood land trust speaks volumes. No matter how high he rose, he cared about how life worked out for others.”

Words from Meridith Levy, BNCLT Executive Director:

“Since I started in my role as Executive Director in January, 2020, Greg made a point of offering to me his mentorship. We met dozens of times in these 5 years. He helped me parse broad questions into sharp points of direction.  He offered astute counsel on real estate technicalities, how to evaluate risk, how to think about organizational trade-offs at critical crossroads. When an urgent issue or crisis came up – like the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, Greg would drop what he was doing to answer my call, and help strategize our organizational course forward. Greg pushed me with challenging questions, while providing a depth of support to our organization that helped us weather tough terrain.  Hearing the news of his sudden death felt like a punch to the gut; I was left windless and wordless. But the wisdom he offered to our BNCLT community is perennial and will continue to play an essential role in guiding our path forward for years to come.”

We share our deep condolences and respect to Greg’s beloved family, whom he always spoke about with complete reverence and admiration. Thank you for sharing him with BNCLT during all of these years.  


Gratitude for Our Donors


Why I’m a Sustainer Member: Cortina