Annual Meeting: Breaking Barriers!
Jamboard filled out at the Annual Meeting answering the question: "What I could share with my community"
We had a wonderful sea of faces and voices at our Annual Event last week! We had a lot of fun. We heard testimonies from 2 of our CLT residents and an active neighbor sharing their BNCLT perspectives, followed by spoken word artist Durane West, who incorporated their ideas on the spot into a textured poem about our neighborhoods. Participants discussed ways to overcome neighborhood barriers. BNCLT board members shared highlights from the year: 15 new households on the Land Trust and off the speculative market…Activating the vacant lot on Park Street through events, gardening, and art…making headway with anti-displacement policies…residents building their voice. The Board voted to approve the nomination of a new Board member, Cindy Heraldo. And new endeavors on the horizon: including the presentation of a new membership structure developed by a committee of residents, board members, and neighbors. And we can’t forget about the dance party at the end! We have so many things to be thankful about, and it was great to celebrate all of our shared work with all of you.