Welcome to Our New Staff!

We are thrilled to announce that BNCLT has hired two new staff members onto our team: Markeisha Moore, as our Resident Leadership Coordinator, and Jason Desrosier as our Community Stewardship Manager. Together, Markeisha and Jason bring deep knowledge of community organizing and policy advocacy in our Boston neighborhoods. We are delighted to have them on board! This marks an important milestone for us as we build our team from 2 to 4 staff members. Markeisha and Jason are well-positioned to inspire our community members to build their leadership as we move into the next phase of our work.

Markeisha Moore

Markeisha joins the team after years of dedication to, and passion for, the affordable housing field: advocating for affordable housing, neighborhood stabilization, community voice, and anti-displacement. She has been part of Dorchester Not 4 Sale (DN4S) for the past five years, and part of the citywide Coalition for a Truly Affordable Boston (CTAB) for almost as long. Markeisha has participated in BNCLT events, and helped shape BNCLT's membership proposal as an active community member.

As the Resident Leadership Coordinator at BNCLT, Markeisha will work closely with our residents and neighbors to deepen their role in the governance of the CLT, build individual and collective pathways to building assets, and get engaged with other neighborhood and policy organizing campaigns.  

For fun, Markeisha likes to listen to music, read, go on walks, barbecue, hang with friends, cook, and go out to eat. 

You can contact Markeisha at mmoore@bnclt.org.

Jason Desrosier

Jason brings over 10 years of experience in the community development sector with a background in community organizing, advocacy, and planning. Jason approaches his work with an intersectional framework that he has learned through his experience working as an organizer in the Boston area. Previous to BNCLT, Jason served as Deputy Director at LivableStreets where he supported the Great Neighborhoods Network, a statewide network of organizations and groups representing the intersections of housing and land use, transit, and climate justice. Before that, he served as Manager of Community Action with the Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation where he spearheaded the organization’s resident leadership, policy advocacy, and organizing efforts. 

As Community Stewardship Manager, Jason will oversee BNCLT’s membership and communications systems, popular education and advocacy efforts, and the organization’s neighborhood planning and organizing activities. 

For fun Jason likes to experiment in the kitchen by reimagining comfort food in vegan form, take hikes and explore nature with his wife, daughter, and puppy, and plant in his garden.

You can contact Jason at jldesrosier@bnclt.org.

Welcome Markeisha and Jason!


“Living in the Transformation”: An Interview with BNCLT Board Member Joceline Fidalgo


Residents Envision Landscaping Projects in Our Yards