Crossing the Finish Line and Moving Forward! Property Updates
This past winter, we shared a sneak peak of three big property opportunities and updates on BNCLT’s horizon. We are excited to let you know what’s going on with these projects:
Crossing the Finish Line! The Complete Energy Retrofit of 14 Leroy Street
We are delighted to complete our first Triple Decker Energy Retrofit, as we introduce our fossil-free/carbon neutral building as part of our CLT! Over the months of this project, we worked closely with MassCEC, New Ecology, ABCD, Resonant Energy, and our team of McDonald Home Improvements and Andrea Vilanova to design and construct a building overhaul. This included “sealing the building envelope” by replacing the roof, siding, and windows, as well as swapping out gas heating with a fossil-free energy system using heat pumps. Our work continues as we will be monitoring energy use and costs, and we will stay engaged with our partners to evaluate and influence policy at the intersection of climate and affordable housing.
Stay tuned for an event to celebrate the completion of this project.
(L) 14 Leroy before the energy retrofit. (R) 14 Leroy during the energy retrofit.
14 Leroy after the energy retrofit.
351 Park Street: Exploring the Development of Five Affordable Homeownership Units
We are excited to announce that the Mayor’s Office of Housing selected BNCLT and its development partners, Co-Everything and Erise Construction, for the Welcome Home, Boston program to develop the City-owned vacant lot at 351 Park Street! This is the first of many steps to assess the feasibility of the project. If all goes well, we will move forward with a contract with the City in the fall of 2024, followed by a closing (transfer of property) in the spring of 2025. Construction would then take place between the spring of 2025 and the spring of 2026. We will keep you posted as we go!
The lot at 351 Park Street is next door to one of our BNCLT buildings, and just down the street from the neighborhood-activated 381 Park Street vacant lot.
364 Harvard Street: Partnering with Tenants to Acquire Two-Family Property
We will have updates to share soon. Stay tuned!