Updates on Our Alternative Property Management System 

BNCLT’s new, alternative property management system is now in its third month of operation. As shared in our last newsletter, we developed this system in partnership with Common Good Management Services (Common Good), a national property management company that serves community-owned and -governed housing initiatives like CLTs. BNCLT and Common Good are also partnering with RNS Facility Services, a facility services management company rooted in Dorchester, Roxbury, and Mattapan. 

These three partners are hard at work to attend to work requests, lease-ups, and re-certifications. They are also gearing up to do spring “freshen-ups” on the buildings, and preparing a capital improvements plan for the next few years. 

Common Good has two Community Service Representatives working directly with our residents one-on-one, including a new hire, Jenny Taveras. Jenny and Aaliyah can be contacted as follows:


Another Year of CITC, with More Credits!


BNCLT Lobbies for Supportive CLT Policies in Honor of World CLT Day