Join Us for Greater Boston CLT Lobby Day on May 16th

On May 16th from 9am-12pm, BNCLT will join the Greater Boston Community Land Trust Network (GBCLTN) at the Massachusetts State House to lobby for two pieces of legislation that will advance our work: the Small Properties Acquisition Fund (SPAF), and the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA). Going to the State House and speaking directly with legislators and staff is one of the most effective ways we can make sure our voices are heard. We are asking legislators for the following:

  • Include language and a $25 million authorization for the SPAF. The SPAF was first passed in 2022 with $1 million to help organizations purchase and provide long term stewardship of affordable housing all across MA. It provides funding to purchase and rehab existing affordable housing units and keep them affordable for generations.

  • Include the provisions of TOPA (S.880/H.1350) in the Affordable Homes Act (H.4138). TOPA would allow cities and towns the local option of providing tenants in multi-family buildings the right to match a third-party offer when their homes are being sold. Tenants can designate their rights to a non-profit (like a CLT!) or local housing authority, or partner with an affordable housing purchaser.

  • Create opportunities for new construction of permanently affordable homeownership. This is critical given that MA provides no public funds for the construction of affordable homes for first time homebuyers that will be kept affordable for the long term.

  • Keep the Real Estate Transfer Fee in the Affordable Homes Act (H.4138)

This Greater Boston CLT Lobby Day is taking place as part of World CLT Day — a global event that aims to spotlight, share, and celebrate our diverse CLT community and our impactful efforts to advance affordable housing, land justice, and community empowerment.


BNCLT Board and Staff Dig in on Ground Leases


Pledge by May 7th: Help BNCLT Purchase 364 Harvard Street and Protect Tenants From Displacement