Comings and Goings

BNCLT is thrilled to introduce Lucille Culpepper-Jones, our new Projects and Operations Manager. Lucille is a long-time resident of the urban community of Boston, and brings extensive skills and experience to her role at BNCLT. She is Vice President of the Garrison Trotter Neighborhood Association, the V.P. of the Trustee Board of Pleasant Hill Baptist church, and she organizes and runs a food pantry in her community church. 

Lucille is an activist and has dedicated her work to promoting equity and inclusion on all levels for individuals. She serves in several advocacy groups in her community addressing displacement and gentrification issues, and holds a Masters degree in Urban Policy and Planning from Tufts University. Lucille is the proud single parent of two adult children.

As Projects and Operations Manager, Lucille will work closely with our Executive Director Meridith to oversee the operations of BNCLT across many areas — such as project management during real estate acquisition and rehab as well as organizational operations.

We asked Lucille to share a little bit about her experiences in the neighborhood, what she is excited to work on with BNCLT, and what she enjoys doing alongside her incredible activism and community work: 


What is one of your favorite places in Dorchester/Roxbury/Mattapan? 

Franklin Park is one of my favorite places to walk.

What is one of your best memories from working in Boston? 

Meeting people and watching them smile when they come to get food.

What work are you most looking forward to doing with BNCLT? 

Helping create more housing to help keep residents who live here, stay here.

What do you like to do to have fun? 


Welcome Lucille! Lucille can be reached at:

And farewell to Cole, who served BNCLT for nearly 2 years as our first Organizer! They have blazed an exciting trail for us with our residents and neighbors. We are currently looking to fill their position with a new Organizer this fall.


A Summery Donor Breakfast and Tour


BNCLT Has a New Logo!