BNCLT Tour event showcases our properties
On August 6th, the BNCLT Tour event was a great success. Supportive community members, residents, donors, and board members gathered to visit our community-controlled housing and land on Park Street and Leroy Street in Dorchester. Many of the attendees were seeing our properties in person for the first time and getting a fuller sense of the organization. It was rewarding to see a variety of our supporters come out and join us for the event. BNCLT staff, residents, and board members spoke and described the CLT model, our organizing to activate the neighborhood, and an energy retrofit project planned at one of our properties. As we stopped by each of the properties, the residents spoke about their experiences living on the CLT.
On a hot day, BNCLT supporters gather in the vacant lot at 381 Park Street to talk about activating the space and organizing the neighborhood
BNCLT community members gather in front of one of our community land trust properties to listen to the story of how meaningful the acquisition has been for the residents.
BNCLT residents gather on their porch and share the reasons why they get involved with the organization